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Drug & Alcohol Driving Awareness Program (DADAP)

This class is scheduled for the
Crosby Location

 Canceled until further notice


This is a required course.  Students will take this class and receive 6 hours of community service and parents will receive an additional insurance discount from most insurance carriers.  DADAP teaches students the effects of drinking and driving as well as drugs and how it affects their bodies. This class may also be taken as a MIP course as directed by the courts. 

If you are not a current student in this class, you may take DADAP for $50.00.  You will receive a certificate that may reduce your insurance cost and receive 6 hours of community service. 

If you've missed the last two DADAP courses (May and 3 in June) you will have to pay $50 for the course.  This course is submitted to the state and must be completed within 60 days of taking the driving course.  Please be prepared to pay your fee upon arrival. 


This class is also a MIP course.  Minors in Possession court-appointed

ALL STUDENTS MUST REGISTER ONLINE. After reserving, please print out your registration. and bring it with you to class. 

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